About us

What is WIPOV

WIPOV is the pioneer as an online video editor specialising in customising cutting-edge news content.

This platform allows you to create SMARTNEWS (video news) in minutes using a single graphic interface where you can:


- choose the duration and format of the smartnews

- select the necessary number of video sequences (called blocks) to develop the news storytelling

- insert text in the selected blocks to develop a concise and explanatory narrative

- insert videos and/or images in the selected blocks to accompany the text

- choose and customise templates (animated transitions) between blocks

- insert and manage the audio in the smartnews

- insert the logo in the smartnews

- create an intro and an end of the smartnews personalised with the brand and/or name of the journalist

- create or insert a preview image with the title of the smartnews


Thanks to the user-friendliness of our customisation tools, even video editing novices can produce video news in a matter of minutes.


Why use WIPOV?

WIPOV is an effective tool for quickly creating next-generation video news and presents multiple opportunities for the publishing industry:

innovative digital proposition aimed at the new generation

increased user traffic (audience and engagement)

increased production of news in video format

faster creation and publication of video news

strengthening of brand identity

increased advertising revenue through advertising 



WIPOV's smartnews is an innovative digital news product that combines a concise journalistic article with explanatory video sequences, making the narrative simple and engaging for users, with a particular focus on the younger generation.

The development structure of the journalistic storytelling greatly facilitates the understanding and enjoyment of the news.




The use of animated transitions between text (and video) blocks enables the orchestration of the rhythm of the news storytelling, making it more comprehensive and engaging. These transitions not only adjust the pace of the narrative, but also add suspense, keeping users' attention while reading the text and viewing the video.

Animated transitions are an effective means of joining several parts of different films together, creating a visual transition that gives the video a dynamism that could not be achieved with a single continuous sequence.

We can therefore assert that animated transitions are fundamental in providing the smartnews with a variation of rhythm, both textual and visual, which is crucial in keeping the audience's attention.



Smartnews can start with a preview image aimed at capturing the audience's attention right from the start. This preview image can be made dynamic and engaging with available features specifically designed to generate immediate user interest.



A short customisable intro and ending, enriched with animated and graphic effects, can be incorporated into smartnews, allowing the publisher's logo or the journalist's name to be included. This customisation not only offers users a more individual experience, but also strengthens the journalistic brand identity.





A useful tip is to start with a standard duration for your smartnews, e.g. 30 seconds, and use a fixed number of blocks, e.g. 4 sequences, for the presentation of the news. This strategy will help give the product a recognisable identity and will effectively meet two key aspects of audience engagement: speed of information delivery and accessibility of the news.



To improve the engagement and audience of smartnews over time, it is essential to equip your product with a strong visual identity. To do this, we recommend the use of animated transitions between blocks to distinguish yourself from traditional news videos and provide a more engaging journalistic storytelling experience for your audience.

We also suggest using an animated intro and ending with the brand or name of the journalist, in order to give an additional distinctive element to the product.

Finally, we recommend the adoption of a preview image with a single graphic for all news items, thus creating a visual coherence that will increase the attractiveness of the online product.

Maintaining visual coherence and recognisability in the main elements of the digital product is crucial to stimulate broader and more active participation by users over time.



A highly recommended strategy is to create a basic smartnews skeleton, incorporating the constant elements such as the intro, ending, animated transitions, and more. This approach greatly simplifies the production process for future smartnews as it will only be necessary to add the text and video sequences specific to each news item, significantly reducing development time.


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